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Roadster 800 carburattors Vergaser

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  • Zitat

    But please be careful, Sachs with one person and minimized tires begins to tumble up from 130 km/h ! Horrible....

    With original handlebar, perhaps!
    But with:
    and Hyperpro springs and EMC shocks, i had no problem, two weeks ago, to follow "John the fool" and his Thruxton at full power,180 km'h it seems. Uncertified (without GPS).
    Perhaps, you should be advised to verify front spoken wheel or direction (very important!).
    About ignition timings, i'm very satisfied to read that my idea was experimented with good results. Perhaps 34° is possible, but it can be dangerous for engine!...

    +2° greetings from toulouse, Juergen!


    [SIZE=7]Ps: Stan needs help![/SIZE]

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Zitat

    Original von runinfrance
    [quote]......two weeks ago, to follow "John the fool" and his Thruxton at full power,180 km'h it seems. Uncertified (without GPS).

    Three weeks ago i followed " Always crazy and every time speed driving Alfred"
    See here what this guy did, and realize the limitations of the road: 80km/h-forbidden bypass


    Alfred on my Roadster 800, i´m on his MV Agusta Brutale followed him.........
    100kW@11.000 rpm......... it´s a drug...... maybe cocaine...


  • One realy short comment:


    But by thinking twice, I must correct my comment:
    Realy great Idiots.


  • Wow, wirklich eine super Leistung. :headbash:

    Warum habt Ihr nicht einfach 'nen Abstecher auf'n Ring gemacht und Euch dort ausgetobt?

    (der genau wegen "Solchen" die 9 und 42 (rechts und links vom Rhein/Rheingau+Gebirge) meidet)

  • Zitat

    Original von special58

    Alfred on my Roadster 800, i´m on his MV Agusta Brutale followed him.........
    100kW@11.000 rpm......... it´s a drug...... maybe cocaine...

    Whoaw!!!...It seems that your Roadster 800 use "Clouseau stage 7".... 8o

    It was just a short test on "deutsch Autobahn" near Toulouse.........for "Clouseau stage one" certification. Large free speedway and nobody else!.... 8)

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Moin,

    My comment wasn't adressed to you but to special58 who did this on a normal road with 80 km/h speed limit and forbidden overtaking.


  • Hello Juergen.

    Today, i changed oil and i opened left side to change ignition timings.
    I found same diameter 140 mm.
    But 440 mm : 360° = 1.22 mm for 1 degree.
    So good value for 32° (max advance) is 2.5 mm.
    Your bike use 31.5° (max advance)..........
    Big difference..... 8)

    I had no time to do it! So next time...with photos...

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o