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Beiträge von Clouseau

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    Merci Ralph!
    J'ai découvert ce site après avoir découvert la seule Sachs Roadster 800 en france! Je n'en ai pas la preuve mais tout concorde dans ce sens...
    J'ai été très chaleureusement accueilli avec ma pratique de la langue allemande inexistante et une pratique de l'anglais très ...française...(je n'en tire aucune gloire...).
    J'essaie de suivre avec les traductions de google (je suis nul! mais il y a pire que moi! mais c'est quelquefois très drôle!) et deux dictionnaires (un franco-anglais) pour mes messages , un autre (franco-allemand) pour essayer de comprendre et me faire comprendre!.
    Ainsi , par moments je butte sur une ambiguïté sémantique et certains me le font savoir....Aussi ,sans en abuser, j'accepte ton offre de m'aider pour clarifier un point que je n'aurais pas compris.
    Et je t'en remercie à l'avance

    Je te rejoins sur:
    "En espérant te revoir sur la route..."

    A bientôt et merci encore pour cet accueil!


    SUZ V2 needs a fuel pump. Vacuum pump for VX. Electrical pump for VS (und natürlich) Sachs R 800. Pump is necessary for the higher carburator because fuel cock is lower. But rear carburator can be filled up by gravity.
    It's the reason why VX fuel cock (BenzinHahn ?) was modified and replaced by vacuum commanded fuel cock. If there is fuel in chamber when you start you can damage crank arm ("Korbenfressen haben". Ist es richtig?).
    Page 15 of my french Sachs R 800 notice: No warranty if you don't lock the fuel tank!
    You must verify, clean or change needle valve of carburattor's tank.

    Bis zum nächsten Mal!



    Gentlemen! Keep cool!

    I discover Sachs R 800. Since one month.
    I'm a "specialist" of Vx :rolleyes:! but Sachs R800 is a VS Intruder with VX carburettors (36mm for VX, 34mm for VS) with Euro 1 (Pollution control) system from Marauder ! (i have found technical data on web..).
    This obsolete technology reduces air pollution and increases sound pollution by improvising explosions in exhaust system!! Nobody's perfect...!!! And carburettors adjustments are different Between Sachs and VX!
    So! i need time to analyse and to have good answers. 8)
    But NOW! : I can say: Forget Dynojet Kit for VX 800. It's a shame ! And very expansive. I have a (custom) modified Dynojet Kit on my old VX.
    There is another solution. Gratuitously. But I need to experiment before...

    Cordialement :kissy:


    Gentlemen riders, Guten Abend!

    From my long VX experience: there is never any problem with engine (if you are not barbarians) but many problems with Mikuni carburators: you must always verify integrity of diafragms... a little perforation : 7 l/100 and more!! Don't search anywhere else.
    Be careful to open diafragm chamber! I have seen broken carburators!!!

    Gute nacht

    Gentlemen riders, Guten Abend!

    From my long VX experience: there is never any problem with engine (if you are not barbarians) but many problems with Mikuni carburators: you must always verify integrity of diafragms... a little perforation : 7 l/100 and more!! Don't search anywhere else.

    I CAN COMMUNICATE!!! it was hard! 8)
    Vielen Danke! (ich lerne...und ich bin nicht sehr gut...)
    i have discovered the "Graal" by accident (or by chance). I knew that Sachs made roadsters with Suzuki engines (great choice! for motors: Suz is Honda with low price (Honda is BMW without problems (moderator! it was a joke! (i'm in germany! i need to remember) ).
    In France, nobody knows Sachs! Only old bikers (like me). Everybody thinks that SACHS is an austrian company lke KTM or Rotax (me too!ent'shuldigung! ).
    With 125 000 kms on my Suz VX 800 I think i am a "connaisseur" of SUZ V2 800CC. But there is a great difference between VX and VS (sachs r.): Die Kurbelwelle (Die, Der or Das?...). Sensations and reactions are absolutly different. VX looks like Honda Vtwin( Afrika, Deauville und so weiter). VS looks like first DUCATI Ltwin (v90) (750gt, und so weiter...). It was said by Ducati engineers.
    But without any bearing with sex-toys for gay-pride made in Milkwaukie.
    I have soon made some modifications: My SACHS cruiser 800 is now a real SACHS roadster 800.
    And, after reading all posts with google translator (very fun) and dictionnary: i have understood:
    SACHS Roadster 800 means SACHer masoch'S Roadster 800.

    I'm a new latin sachs-biker. Markwisdo is not alone. But...
    I'm french (nobody's perfect).
    i am the owner of a black R 800 (number 554 from 2003).
    I think i'm alone in France.
    I'm a Suzuki VXer (125 000 kms without engine opening)
    Ich spreche nicht deutsch! Ent'schuldigung!
    i try this post. i have lost a long message of présentation X(