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Sachs Café-racer F 805

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  • [quote]Original von runinfrance
    - Air filltering: K&N filters for Suz Boulevard S 50 in modified (opened) air box.

    Hello Pierre,

    did You order the K&N filters ? If so, please tell me from where, if not and You planned to do, may be we can make a double order !

    Thanks for information

  • @Juergen:

    France Equipement is importer for France:
    This product is expansive and not in stock. Importer for Europe is british.
    I think that any seller of K&N filters can obtain this part.

    @ Stefan

    For handlebar, LSL Stummellenker is a good choice, I think. Made in Germany: i don't want to offense Michael.
    For seam of the seat, i agree with you. First, i use original cover, but at the end, i will change it.
    For windshield, i have some ideas. But i want a good looking of sixteen/seventeen's café-racer.
    (MP: Tomorrow, "Delicate sound od Thunder")

    Good evening, gentlemen-racers


    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Hoi Closeau,
    you must not wait with fotos to termin on Eifel-Treff 2011 ;-)
    Life your dream ... it´s a beautiful sachs.
    Vive la différence!


  • Moin,

    for ignition you should have a look at Ignitech

    They have a nice TCI Modul for the VS 800 with plug & play installation (compatible plugs - just change the ignition modul).
    Cheap and fully free programmable to your needs.


    Btw. - you have to do a hard job:
    actually to beat:
    75 hp (measured @ Ammerschläger P4)
    206 km/h (GPS), limited by rpm limite - I'd like to hav a longer shaftdrive gear ratio

  • Zitat

    Original von GdG
    75 hp (measured @ Ammerschläger P4)

    Sorry! but i don't understand... ;(


    Original von GdG
    206 km/h (GPS), limited by rpm limite - I'd like to hav a longer shaftdrive gear ratio

    With 160/70-17 or 160/60-17?........... 8)

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Clouseau! Stan!
    I'm not waiting for photos. I just like to understand... to make better.....
    F 805 will be ready for Eiffel-treff 2011.
    And i live my dream: "John the fool" (the "Thrux" man) begins anxious........ 8)......battle of the twins............

    V2 boosted Greetings!


    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Measured power varies with different measuring suite.
    Ammerschläger P4 is a common used test bench in Germany.

    160/70-17 of course- you know there is TÜV in Germany.

    modified camshafts
    modified crankshaft
    modified ignition timing (ignitech)
    big bore (848ccm - Nikasil coated, Mahle (german piston manufacturer) pistons, titan rods for higher rpm limit)
    modified carburators and airboxes

    Planed for stage 2:
    Injection - self made throttlebodys, controled by ignitech module)

    Do you've any sugestion for a longer cardan shaft transmission?
    (By my Yam FJR 1300 I used a longer cardan shaft ratio from the V-max (plug & play) - unfortunately there seems to be no longer replacement for VS & co.


    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von GdG ()

  • For F 805, i want a stock engine! F 805 means 805 cc!
    I can modify:
    - carburation
    - ignition
    - transmition (rims and tyres) ...
    My joker is:
    - camshafts

    Good evening


    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Sorry Clouseau ;-) now i must additional delivery a "u".
    I have not seen the mistake.

    But the race-record about 200 km/h is only a work for experts of the engine like you and GdG. Shure also Jürgen: Rennen muss sie wie sau!
    And with a second Sachs or more. With a lot of other parts, bearings and more.
    I am waiting for a posting from one of the experts here: Top-theme:
    First Sachs Roadster 800 with injection like the Suzuki M800.

    Untuned greatings from sachs-garage with removed engine.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von mikosch ()

  • You talk about injection since many months...
    I 'm thinking about it.... But really, it's a great job!...
    But: "impossible is not french" said...Napoleon from Corsica.............. 8)

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Zitat

    Original von runinfrance
    You talk about injection since many months...
    I 'm thinking about it.... But really, it's a great job!...
    But: "impossible is not french" said...Napoleon from Corsica.............. 8)


    thats right - my first try was with the M800 engine 3years ago. But with no success (problems with space and the exhaust system). But meanwhile I've a lathe and a mill in my garage so the main problem - compatible throttle valves & -bodys - is gone away. And the needings round about that like pump, pressure regulator etc. could be common parts from modern Suzuki 800ccm V2 with injection. Lambda probe is also not a problem (innovate, lm-1) and as said above controlling will be done by the ignitech ECU (Ignijet 2007) currently running as ignition control.

    I'm not shure you will see ignition in 2011 in Mechernich (injection for my R1070ST takes priority) but in any case in 2012.

    Greetings Jörg.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von GdG ()

  • 2011 wird dann wohl das Meeting für frischen Wind rund um die Sachs.
    Mein neues Projekt läuft auch schon an. Ein ernsthafter Plan mit einem überlegten Konzept.

  • Zitat

    Original von Tomasede
    Aber die Farbe...........

    Nur Schwartz!
    With a little bit of black! un pocito di negro! ....et un peu de noir.... 8)
    Joker = Chrom....[SIZE=7](just joker)[/SIZE]

    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o

  • Vielleicht nicht mehr überall Chrom? Bei meinem blauen ugly sind leider beide Auspufftüten, Krümmer und verchromte Motordeckel stark zerkratzt. Denke seit Tagen über eine dunkle Keramikbeschichtung nach.
    Ein Vorbild könnte die S 805 sein. Dazu passt dann auch eine helle Lackierung der anderen Teile.
    Ein cafe racer mit schwarzem Auspuff? Warum nicht?
    Lothar wird für uns im nächsten Jahr den Nürburgring mieten und Clouseau kann mit seinem glühenden Auspuff alles ausleuchten. ;-)

  • Zitat

    Original von GdG
    ...for ignition you should have a look at Ignitech

    They have a nice TCI Modul for the VS 800 with plug & play installation (compatible plugs - just change the ignition modul).
    Cheap and fully free programmable to your needs.


    Hello Jörg!

    It seems that Ignitech is a very good answer.
    I read many posts on many forums.....
    So it's clear: Sachs F 805 café-racer will use Ignitech TCI box.
    And i want to add TPS on carbs.....not easy...(aber möglich...)...

    Ignitech isn't known in France. I found testimonies in Germany, Italy, Great-Britain.
    So... Danke vielmals.

    Good-advance Greetings with sparks from Toulouse


    You don't buy a Sachs, you dream it, you build it!.... 8o 8)
    Il n'y a pas de problèmes, il n'y a que des solutions... 8) 8o