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Beiträge von Thüringer

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Wir werden dich herzlich in der FREEBIKER.COM - Familie willkommen heißen und freuen uns auf Dich.

    Auch von den Thüringers noch nachträglich alles Gute!

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

    Wir wünschen Dir vor allem Gesundheit und noch gaaanz lange Spass am Moppedfahren!


    Micha + Diana

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Marco!

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:

    Wir wünschen Dir alles, was Du Dir selber wünschst. Vor allem aber Gesundheit und noch viel Spasss am Moppedfahren.


    Micha + Diana

    :ggruebel: ...so ...ist ein bissl schwierig ......nachdem ich mich noch im Netz zum 40/400 Tom Tom belesen hab hab ich etliche Male auch gelesen das das Display Probleme mit Starkregen hat ....sprich es ist nicht wasserdicht! !!Wat nun ? :ggruebel:

    Hmmm, das wäre ja krass!

    Lt. TomTom Homepage ist das Teil IPX7 rated.Will heissen:

    X - nicht getest gegen Eindringen fester Objekte wie z.B. Staub
    7 - geschützt gegen Untertauchen in bis zu einem Meter Wassertiefe für 30 Minuten (Protected from immersion in water with a depth of up to 1 meter (or 3.2ft) for up to 30 mins)

    Wenn das Ding bei Regen absäuft, wäre das für mich ein klarer Garantiefall.

    Die IEC Richtlinien für solche Geräte lauten:

    IP codes are a standard set forth by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
    According to the organization, the codes are designed as a "system for classifying the degrees of protection provided by the enclosures of electrical equipment."

    The first number in the rating code represents the degree of protection provided against the entry of foreign solid objects, such as fingers or dust. These protection levels range from 0 to 6.

    The second number represents the degree of protection against the entry of moisture, with protection levels ranging from 0 through 8.

    An IP code with an "X" in place of the first or second number means that a device hasn't been tested to protect against the entry of solid objects (the first number) or moisture (the second number).
    For example, a device with the rating IPX7 is protected from accidental submersion in 1m of water for up to 30 minutes, but it has not been tested against the entry of dust.

    Below you will find a chart that outlines all of the protection levels set by the IEC.

    Solid protection

    IP Code Protection Object size
    0 No protection N/A
    1 Protection from contact with any large surface of the body, such as the back of a hand, but no protection against deliberate contact with a body part, such as a finger Less than 50mm
    2 Protection from fingers or similar objects Less than 12.5mm
    3 Protection from tools, thick wires or similar objects Less than 2.5mm
    4 Protection from most wires, screws or similar objects Less than 1mm
    5 Partial protection from contact with harmful dust N/A
    6 Protection from contact with harmful dust N/A

    Moisture protection

    IP Code Protection Test duration Usage
    0 No protection N/A N/A
    1 Protection against vertically dripping water 10 mins Light rain
    2 Protection against vertically dripping water when device is tilted at an angle up to 15 degrees 10 mins Light rain
    3 Protection against direct sprays of water when device is tilted at an angle up to 60 degrees 5 mins Rain and spraying
    4 Protection from sprays and splashing of water in all directions. 5 mins Rain, spraying and splashing
    5 Protection from low pressure water projected from a nozzle with a 6.3mm diameter opening in any direction 3 minutes from a distance of 3 meters Rain, splashing and direct contact with most kitchen/bathroom faucets
    6 Protection from water projected in powerful jets from a nozzle with a 12.5mm diameter opening in any direction 3 minutes from a distance of 3 meters Rain, splashing, direct contact with kitchen/bathroom faucets, outdoor use in rough sea conditions
    7 Protected from immersion in water with a depth of up to 1 meter (or 3.2ft) for up to 30 mins 30 mins Rain, splashing and accidental submersion
    8 Protected from immersion in water with a depth of more than 1 meter (manufacturer must specify exact depth) Varies Rain, splashing and accidental submersion


    Laut Eigenbeschreibung des Herstellers muss das Gerät 30 Minuten in einem Meter Wassertiefe schadlos überstehen.
