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10 questions with Sachs Head of Development Hartmut Huhn

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  • @Jürgen: Wie hier schon mehrmals geschrieben wurde hat Target Design das Design der Sachs Roadstermodelle gestaltet. Und Hartmut Huhn war der Entwicklungsleiter von Sachs-Motorräder, aber mit Ersatzteilen handelt der nicht. Aber man kann ihn vielleicht mal was zu den verschieden 650er Auspuffen fragen.

    @Adlimon: The first question concerns the Roadster 650: Why do we have different exhaust Systems? And, as the exhaust for the Roadster 650 is no longer available, is there any exhaust from any other motorcycle that can be fitted?

    The second question is from my side for the Roadster 800: Do we really have two different versions of the Marzocchi front fork? And if so, why? And how can I differntiate the two versions from the outside, without disassembling?

    And the third question is for the carburettors of the Roadster 800: Why did Sachs change the original Suzuki carburettor setup? The engine runs better with the Suzuki setup....

    Grüße :)


    Das Bundesgesundheitsministerium warnt: Windows 10 kann Tourette Anfälle verursachen!

  • Sorry, bin hier zwar schon lange zu Gange und habe meine erste Sachs schon 2004 gehabt, aber mit der Geschichte habe ich mich nie befasst. Wenn das hier zur Sprache kam, habe ich das wohl überlesen.

    Frage mich allerdings, was dieser Cheers oder Adlimon hier erreichen will. Wenn Fragen da sind, haben wir uns immer an Lothar wenden können. Er hat offensichtlich auch gute Konnektions zu Sachs. Und ob der in der Lage ist, Ersatzteile zu bekommen, die es eigentlich nicht mehr gibt, bezweifele ich stark.

  • Jürgen, du liest wirklich nicht die Beiträge hier im Forum. Sonst hättest du gewusst, dass Adlimon schon ein Interview mit Hans Georg Kasten von Target Design geführt hat und hier im Forum gepostet hat. Das war erst im November letzten Jahres...

    Und es geht hier auch nicht darum irgendwelche neuen Ersatzteilquellen zu erschliessen, das können weder Herr Huhn noch Adlimon.

    Grüße :)


    Das Bundesgesundheitsministerium warnt: Windows 10 kann Tourette Anfälle verursachen!

  • Jürgen, du liest wirklich nicht die Beiträge hier im Forum. Sonst hättest du gewusst, dass Adlimon schon ein Interview mit Hans Georg Kasten von Target Design geführt hat und hier im Forum gepostet hat. Das war erst im November letzten Jahres...

    Und es geht hier auch nicht darum irgendwelche neuen Ersatzteilquellen zu erschliessen, das können weder Herr Huhn noch Adlimon.

    Hallo Dietrich,

    ich gebe dir Recht, ich lese nicht alle Beiträge. Besonders nicht, wenn das allgemeines Geschwafel ist, das keinem etwas bringt. Was soll denn damit erreicht werden? Ich bin in diesem Forum, um technische Erkenntnisse auszutauschen, auch um Ersatzteilquellen aufzutun, Tipps für Reparaturen zu bekommen. Ich habe oben eine konkrete Frage gestellt, was ist daraufhin passiert ... nichts.

    Schönes WE.

  • Hi, my intention was to simply get the facts around the development of the bikes. Lots of journalists who review bikes speculate on what and why of the design and we end up doing the same online.

    I suspect, looking at the Sachs Brochures, that the blue version was the higher spec/prototype (with adjustable paioli forks) and the black version was the one for production.

    Regarding parts, my own investigation (out of necessity) did reveal some other models that share parts.

    For example,

    • Brembo P4 30 34 calipers used on many ducati guzzi aprilia (40mm bolt spacing) fits. Spiegler are hard to find within budget.
    • The 1bar radiator cap is same as 2017 Aprilia RS125 (pn 861299). Lothar's site shows the manufacturer (biffi premoli) but they are difficult to buy from directly

    Thanks for the questions, especially the carb. I'll update in due course

  • This question aimed at Relax, I assume that you have changed the Sachs 800 spec carbs for the Suzuki ones ? Is this could be a worthwhile modification so in what ways did it improve your bike ?

    Adilmon, regarding questions for Mr. Huhn I would find it interesting to see how many development kilometres went into the project for the 800 and what problems they encountered along the way. Another question for Adilmon is how on earth did you find these people !

    One last general question, does anyone have photos of the Roadster 800 in production at the factory? I am always fascinated by where my bikes came from.

  • Hi,

    I figured these people might be retired and may no longer be available to ask. So, should end the endless speculation.

    A few things I have discovered since.

    The original prototype for the Sachs Roadster 800 is currently in the Museum of Industrial Culture (Museum Industriekultur), which is nice


    Also, the Sachs Beast Prototype I believe lives in Mr Huhn's office.

    I did find only 1 picture from the factory. These were made in the Hercules Motor Works


    [Blockierte Grafik: https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/289596493_10159852823256063_16323809920322117_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=yWAlUlA6AEkAX-EmPXL&tn=w5tX-6H_LOH8cEUO&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AT_bM0xjCfK1wJFnGW7N-6kYAdMM9OACDrdOctz_HH85fw&oe=62B6FC65]

    Here is a facebook post with the other rare pictures I collected over time


    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von adilmon ()

  • I guess those fuel tanks are perhaps from a Hercules model or one of the Chinese models they were importing. It's the only factory pic I could find and now I can't find the source anymore. I recall the pic was from a factory open day as the city had some kind of celebration for it's industrial history

  • Code
    1. Hi Rubber Cow Fan,
    2. Apologies, the site translates to English it seems automatically unless I selected an option a long time ago that I've forgotten and I assumed that the reverse would be the case OR a reader in Germany could right click on the text and hit the 'Translate ' icon, however, point taken and I will use Google translate from now on;
    3. Hallo Gummi Kuh Ventilator,
    4. Entschuldigung, die Website übersetzt ins Englische, es scheint automatisch, es sei denn, ich habe vor langer Zeit eine Option ausgewählt, die ich vergessen habe, und ich nahm an, dass das Gegenteil der Fall sein würde ODER ein Leser in Deutschland könnte mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Text klicken und auf das Symbol "Übersetzen" klicken, jedoch Punkt genommen und ich werde von nun an Google Translate verwenden.
  • Code
    1. Mine translates German to English automatically, sorry that it does not work the other way around for you on the few rare times that you need it to. Even when I copy and paste my response to you in German from Google translate the translation is in English on my screen but I assume that you are seeing it in German on your screen as you requested .
    2. Meiner übersetzt automatisch Deutsch ins Englische, sorry, dass es bei Ihnen in den wenigen seltenen Fällen, in denen Sie es brauchen, nicht umgekehrt funktioniert. Selbst wenn ich meine Antwort auf Deutsch von Google Translate kopiere und einfüge, ist die Übersetzung auf Englisch auf meinem Bildschirm, aber ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie sie auf Deutsch auf Ihrem Bildschirm sehen, wie Sie es angefordert haben.
  • This question aimed at Relax, I assume that you have changed the Sachs 800 spec carbs for the Suzuki ones ? Is this could be a worthwhile modification so in what ways did it improve your bike ?

    Adilmon, regarding questions for Mr. Huhn I would find it interesting to see how many development kilometres went into the project for the 800 and what problems they encountered along the way. Another question for Adilmon is how on earth did you find these people !

    One last general question, does anyone have photos of the Roadster 800 in production at the factory? I am always fascinated by where my bikes came from.

    Hello "Born to be mild",

    the carb modification was developed by Pierre (aka Clouseau). You can find the instruction somewhere here in the Sachs-forum. Just look for Stage 1 tuning or Vergasermodifikation. Perhaps you can also contact him via PM. Don't worry, he is french, he speaks english...

    Grüße :)


    Das Bundesgesundheitsministerium warnt: Windows 10 kann Tourette Anfälle verursachen!

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Relax ()

  • Hi all,

    I had some discussion with Hartmut Huhn and will publish full info in due course. The sort story is that it is VERY difficult to bring a motorcycle to market and is no small success. In the meantime, let me share some interesting facts;

    • Egli did indeed design the frame and gave permission for it to be reproduced by MT in Italy
    • There were other Suzuki engines available, including from TL1000 and Hayabusa, but management changes and politics at Suzuki got in the way
    • The Sachs Roadster 800 origin was the swiss version of the VS800GL, with the carb and exhaust changed to release more power and also additional bracing metal on the swingarm to strengthen it.
    • There were many manufacturing challenges, where tooling cost needed to be wisely chosen. For example, plastic panels were pressed not extruded.
    • The blue color of the Sachs Roadster 800 was what was available rather than chosen for particular reason
    • The parts, being low volume, were a challenge to procure and work with many established European suppliers who were free to sell to others. This is the reason of many of the current parts challenges

    Needless to say Hartmut Huhn is a lifelong motorcycle enthusiast, engineer, racer, builder and has a large collection, including a very nice 70s ducati 900ss.

    " he says;

    For my motorcycle love: I was always riding and racing motorcycles all my life and do it still. My racing bikes were build and tuned by myself and I was quite successful in national championships, but i could never race a complete season (see above). I raced also superbikes with international license and 24h endurance races.

    In my first years Honda was so much advanced that I was a big fan. Then I fell in love with Ducati and from 1978 I always rode Ducati (and other Motocross/ Enduro bikes), actually the Streetfighter.

    Then I have a BMW R 90T and more than 40 other older bikes, Ducatis, Aermacchis, Laverda, Guzzi, Enduro/MC bikes and some Sachs and some of my former racebikes.

    I am now restoring old bikes (and sometimes cars) and sourcing parts, one of my Ducatis 900SS is actually for sale https://www.themotorcyclebroker.co.uk
